If you want to make a real difference to a foundation, a school, a group, or a scholarship, I have an idea for you. If you want to raise substantial money for a charity, but you don't want to sell raffle tickets or make phone calls, I have an idea for you. If you want to give more than you've got, then I have an idea for you.
Become an Independent PartyLite Consultant and donate your profits (or a percentage of your profits) to your favourite charity.
You could easily donate $1000 a month to your favourite cause by donating 10 hours a week to the charity. That's more than most people can afford to give. And with the fabulous PartyLite benefits and your altruistic cause, I bet you will be able to get bookings for shows from lots of places.
I have decided to donate 10 percent of my profits in May to the McGrath Foundation. Want to book a show in May? Call me and let's book it. We could make it your starter show, and then you could keep up the fundraising all year long.
Just an idea.... WLC.
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